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(Hybrid Electric) Vehicle Parallel Simulator

Update Terakhir
26 / 06 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit



Detail (Hybrid Electric) Vehicle Parallel Simulator

Alat Peraga Pendidikan

Deskripsi produk :
Digunakan untuk pembelajaran interaktif mengenai sistim hybrid electric, seperti arus AC tegangan tinggi, electrical interlock, pengubah arus AC-DC, koneksitas baterai, panel surya dan photovoltaic pada kendaraan ringan Features:
1. Hybrid drives are essentially meant to meet three objectives: save fuel, reduce emissions, and increase torque/power.
2. Different hybrid concepts can be employed depending on the required application.
3. With our system trainees can learn on their own the most important technical fundamentals of hybrid drives.
4. Based on job orders and fault descriptions students plan diagnostics of individual components, carry out testing on systems and do repair work on original motor vehicle parts.
5. In the course of measurements and experiments the students acquire practical knowhow for every day on the job and vocational training
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